Coronavirus in murals

Nowadays, the coronavirus is making his way into our lives in many forms that we haven’t thought about. It’s changing our habits, our fears, the manner we see control and measures around the world. In order to fight against this contagious virus, but one way or place we probably didn’t see coming is being painted in murals, at least not when it started spreading around the world.

This virus has had headlines all over the world for already more than a year and it’s still on, but let’s look now in a field or place where creativity. Normally exploits its senses throughout displaying discomfort, to show sometimes likeness, or just simply to describe someone’s feelings.

Covid graffiti : HalfLife

Murals are just one way to express this sentiment, and it’s street art the one that allows for this, so many people now, are just describing with paintings on murals, how it is life now influenced by this virus.

Check Out Stunning Covid-19 Graffiti In The World | Curly ...

Will that change in any time soon, or are we going to keep watching this kind of descriptions on the street about how covid has moved our way of living? I guess only time and the will of people, will speak by itself.

Published by espanolesymex

we're a group of 3 people trying to discover the trendings on art

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