Types of graffitis

A graffiti refers to a particular paint, with different shapes as signs recognized at urban zones with unique and personal characters. It’s created through an abstract content on the walls in a free and creative sense with infinite expressions, which their main meanings is wanted to be spreaded with a determined purpose, generally their essenceContinue reading “Types of graffitis”

Coronavirus in murals

Nowadays, the coronavirus is making his way into our lives in many forms that we haven’t thought about. It’s changing our habits, our fears, the manner we see control and measures around the world. In order to fight against this contagious virus, but one way or place we probably didn’t see coming is being paintedContinue reading “Coronavirus in murals”

Graffiti: vandalism and messing the walls?

The graffiti is one of elements of the recently created street art called hip-hop. Young artists paint the empty walls through spray with messages adding bad language or uncensored pictures to break the rule of the allowed scenes and feel they are doing something new. These crafters do this perhaps because they believe that theContinue reading “Graffiti: vandalism and messing the walls?”

COVID-19 reflected in street art

The current disease was the main character during this last 2 years, it had a social and economic impact, and some of their negative consequences will remain until long term. Focus it in street art, we can see how the artists tried to be the most originals as possible, and they gift us some drawsContinue reading “COVID-19 reflected in street art”

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